
You can help! Organize a food drive in your neighborhood, at your school, at your church, or at your place of business. Local food drives organized by someone just like you are a great way to contribute to our organization. We have seen people do some pretty creative things like competitions inside their organization, or with other companies, grade level competition in schools, and Iron Bowl competitions between Alabama and Auburn fans. We even had a two teenage girls who organized a trick or treat for non-perishable food items on Halloween. So use your creativity, make it fun, and be a blessing to your community. See below for details.

One approach is to select a particular item, for example, have a peanut butter drive. See our Item of the Month list for ideas about particular items that we need. It doesn’t have to be the item of the month for that month. Those are all items that we can use year round. And we give out anywhere from 150-400 of one item at just one food station each week.

Another approach is to just organize a drive for any types of non-perishable food items. This benefits us too because it helps us have a variety.

If you are interested in a hosting a food drive, let us know! You can contact us through the form on our contact page. After you have finished your drive, contact us and we will coordinate a time to arrange a drop-off.